



「There's a button concealed in the stonework.
「Press it?



「Ah... Ze beautiful daughters of my poor teacher, Mahabala.
(Ah... The beautiful daughters of my poor teacher, Mahabala.
「ああ… 哀れな私の師、マハバラ(エドガン)の美しい娘たち。

「What? You seek vengeance for your father!?
「何? お前達は父の復讐をしたいと!
「Against moi? Ze great Balzack?
(Against me? The great Balzack?

(フランス語) 私に

「Your father was an imbécile! 'E did not even know what 'e 'ad discovered.
(Your father was an imbécile! He did not even know what he had discovered.
「お前達の父はおろかだった! 彼は何を発見したのかさえも知らなかったのです。
「Ze Secret of Evolution!
(The Secret of Evolution!

「Oh, quel dommage! If 'e 'ad only realised its power, 'e could 'ave been ruler of ze 'ole world!
(Oh, quel dommage! If he had only realised its power, he could have been ruler of the whole world!

quel dommage
(フランス語) 残念なことだ

「Now you will see for yourselves!
「My tour de force!
(My feat of strength!
「Evolution wizout limitation!
(Evolution without limitation!

tour de force
→feat of strength の意

「Balzack draws near!


「Fool, Balzack! You should not 'ave let your guard down!
(Fool, Balzack! You should not have let your guard down!
「Survival is only of ze fittest.
(Survival is only of the fittest.

Zat is why I cannot trust you wiz zis place.
(That is why I cannot trust you with this place.
「Lord Psaro would never permit it.

Marquis de Leon!
「I was merely... Please, do not mention zis to Lord Psaro.

Bof! I 'ave no intention of seeing you dead...for now.
Bof! I have no intention of seeing you dead...for now.
「はあ! お前に死んでいてもらうわけにはいきません…当分の間。
「Alors, I must introduce myself to ze daughters of Mahabala.


「I am ze Marquis de Léon, true heir of zis land.

「It is me who you want.
「Me who you must engage now in combat!
「Bien! En guarde!
「さあ! 構えろ!

En garde