
東のうらぎりの洞窟で、信じる心(The symbol of faith)を取ってきました。

「Whaddya want, huh?
(What do you want, huh?
「Wait a minute...
「Sakes alive!
「What is that jewel you got there?

Whaddya wantは、What do you wantのことです。
What do you wantを早く発音するとこういう風に聞こえるからです。
What do you want→What do ya want→Whaddya want

Sakes alive

「DQtakagi gives Hank Hoffman Junior the symbol of faith.

「Y'know, it's kinda funny, but just lookin' at this here jewel makes me feel cleansed somehow.
(You know, it's kind of funny, but just looking at this here jewel makes me feel cleansed somehow.

「So where did y'all find this thing?
(So where did you find this thing?

「You kiddin' me?
「Well, ain't that somethin'!
「You find a symbol of faith in the place my pardner betrayed me!


「Hey, wait a honey-fuggled minute!


「Maybe things would've been different if I'd believed in my pardner that time.


「That cave must be some kind of faith testin' place.
「The treasure I was after all that time was the faith to truth in folks!

「I sure was clueless.
「But now it's time to put it right...
「I'll start by trustin' you!


「I wanna join you folks on your journey.
「An' my horse'll be comin' along too.

パトリシアの名前は北米版ではメアリー・ルゥ(Mary Lou) でーす。