
盗賊バコタ(Kirk Buzzer)からブロンズのロザリオ(A bronze rosary)を取り返しました。


「Ah, DQtakagi. So you were successful in tracking down the real thief.
「おお、DQtakagi。 あなたは本当の泥棒を捜し出すのに成功しましたね。

「I have heard all about it. One of my guards filled me in.

fill in

「So, your companion is of course free to go.
「This key will give you access to the cells.

「Alena receives the ultimate key!

最後の鍵 the ultimate key

「And I wish you to have the Zenithian Shield, which can be found beneath the castle, as a token of sisterhood between Femiscyra and yourselves.

「My people in the castle inform me that you are on a quest to defeat the Lord of the Underworld.

「Well, there is a place called Rosehill to the south of this continent where monsters once lived.

「Perhaps you will learn something useful there.
「But hurry. Remember, time and tide wait for no woman!

Time and tide wait for no man. 

 「歳月」にあたる "time and tide" の "tide" は「潮時」のことで、 "Tide is in." というと「満潮」の意味になり、 "Tide is out." といえば「干潮」、「潮が満ちている」は "Tide is making." 、「潮がひいている」は "Tide is ebbing." といいます。


「I knew you were innocent right from the start.

「It's women's intuition, you see.
「I'm sure Her Majesty the Queen knew, too.

最後の鍵(the ultimate key)が手に入りました。

これで、天空の盾(the Zenithian Shield)と預けていたトルネコを助けに行くことができます。